Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Learn how to integrate gadgets into the home automation platform Domoticz with these tutorials. DIY, hacks, and stories to help you automate your home and make it a smart(er)-home. More information on my own setup can be found here. So lets get started.

Getting Started

Choosing for Domoticz  |   Choosing Hardware, Brands and Protocols  |  Basic installation on Raspberry PI3 Bb

Configuring the Basics

Security DashboardsNaming Conventions  |  Backups  |  Themes, Icons and Floorplans  | Plugin Manager

Advanced Configuration and other cool stuff

Database  |  Monitoring  |  Build your own Zigbee gateway  | Text to Speech  |  Custom Icons

Scripting and Blocky Possibilities

Backup to Share  |  Automate your Sunscreen  |  Monitor your Washing MachineGetGarbageDays  | Automate Robot Vacuum

Most recent tutorials