I have a sunscreen with a Somfy motor (I can control it by Domoticz through my rflink and RFXCom) but wanted to automate it. I started a long time ago with my first Domoticz Sunscreen automation script in Lua, a simple version based on one rule: When it is not raining and the temperature is above x degrees then let the sunscreen go down. But unfortunately that was not sufficient, other dependent factors resulted in a script with a lot of features, parameters and debugging lines.
It became a massive script that was hard to debug, adjust and to maintain.
There are so many variables: uv, wind, manual override, up at nighttime, other condition when we are in the garden, etc etc. And with Lua sometimes it was hard to script out a simple condition. So I started over (inspired by an example I can’t retrieve anymore) in dzVents so many handwritten functions are replaced by default functionalities of dzVents.
The following features are included in the current script:
- Let the sunscreen go up and down.
- Based on current weather conditions goes up and down.
- Predict rain/wind.
- Prevent moving the whole time and not going up and down within a certain period of time.
- A dry-run option to simulate everything without really opening and closing the sunscreen itself and log it into a text file (comma separated). Very useful when experimenting with general settings and for setting the thresholds.
To Do:
The current version of the script does the job for me. I do have some wishes for features that I would like to implement:
- Configure notifications
- Mix weather devices (create a fallback if one device returns no data)
- Include a home and away function.
- Include a virtual season device
If you have other ideas, found bugs or have other feedback, feel free to contact me.
remark: if you don’t want to log to CSV files: delete of comment the function and the lines in switchoff and switchon functions that start the logaction function. If you lines are commented you don’t need to create the log folder and use the function library. Also the include of the Myfunc isn’t needed anymore and can be commented or deleted.
- Folder for Log.csv files:
- mkdir /home/pi/domoticz/Logs
- Function library
- place the function library into: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/
- Paste and adjust the sunscreen script into the web-editor of Domoticz
While testing your script what’s the logging. the logging looks like this:
It’s important that the sensors that are active contain data, paths are correct.
it’s handy to test with the variable dryRun on true. After you noticed that all thresholds and conditions are fine, change this variable and enjoy.
Download the scripts
download function library: MyFunc.lua
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download sunscreen script: sunscreen
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Home-Automation compatibility