My favorite Domoticz plugins and third party Extensions

Third party Domoticz projects.

Domoticz Plugins

It’s time for a little Domoticz news update! Besides the developments on the Domoticz project itself, several other projects from different developers are still ongoing and the developers are not sitting still either. There are too much projects like plugins, scripts etc. to cover them all. In this post I picked some of my favorite Domoticz plugins and third party extensions.

Of course Domoticz itself, ensure yourself that you are using the latest version: Domoticz version 2020.2 released (Stable Hotfix).


PP-manager Python Plugins for Domoticz

To extend Domoticz with different plugins you can use PP-manager. We wrote earlier about this project. The plugin has not changed, but the Python Plugins that it supports grew! Let’s take a look at the thread.

PYthon Plugin manager on github
no new version but they added support for many new things!

Tuya Cloud Plugin [No custom firmware require]

Tuya is quite popular. (Read our tuya articles:here). It’s cheap, and all product categories are covered by different brands. All available on Aliexpress. But now the time is come that Domoticz can also make use of the Tuya products, by using a plugin. The source you can find on this github: and Discussions can be read at Domoticz Forum


Zigbee is also very hot! Maybe less brands then tuya but the mesh structure and the local opensource structure is something lots of people like. Therefore the zigbee2mqtt project is also very popular.
On Gadget-freakz we have posted a lot about this project. This is one of the best extensions for Domoticz.
If your want to know more about this Domoticz plugin check the thread on the Domoticz forum.
A lot of new devices are added and many improvements were made, good job!


Besides Tuya there is another very popular platform/brand: Shelly. Different hardware products with there own Shelly interface. Ofcourse flashable due too there open-source mindset, but not needed. If you want to but good small switches but also available in Domoticz you have to look here.

CATT (Domoticz on your Google Nest Hub display)

Google Nest hub is the version of Google Home with an integrated display. An affordable gadget from Google. But how cool would it be if it works together with Domoticz? The plugin for Domoticz is available now, have a look at the forum. Okay Google!

Dashticz – v3.4.9 beta

One of the most popular extensions for Domoticz. Dashticz! We already wrote about it, and reviewed the creator, but it’s nice to see that it’s still maintained and improved. There are so many users and possibilities that it got their own (sub) fora at domoticz:

Machinon theme

The following one is not an extension or plugin for Domoticz, but definitely worth mentioning. We discussed this before in this article… the Machinon theme. A very fresh, clean and complete theme. And still maintained by the developer. Are you still using the default theme, let’s try Machinon.

Nice other plugins and extensions for Domoticz: