Home Tutorials Domoticz Domoticz Icons

Domoticz Icons

Domoticz tutorial

Domoticz Icons can only be changes for switches with the custom icon functionality. Not for dimmers at the moment.

When editing a switch you can choose from a list with default Icons. But with the custom Icons, you can upload new ones that will be available in the default list after uploading. And If you combine custom Icons with other themes the interface of Domoticz can be changed to your needs. The machinon theme includes already a bunch of new icons (and I love them).


Adding Custom Domoticz Icons

Add a custom Icon is simple and upload a ZIP file that contains the icons and a description of the content of the zip.

A Zip file must contain the following files:

  • Domoticz.png
  • Domoticz48_On.png
  • Domoticz48_Off.png
  • icons.txt

Domoticz is the name of the switch, 48 is the resolution (48×48) _On is for on  and _Off is for off.
In this example, you see the files names with 48_On But you don’t do that in the icons.txt.
Icons.txt is the index of the zipfile and will tell Domoticz which icons are in it and it’s structured like: Domoticz;Domoticz;Domoticz Logo

The zip can contain more than one icon,  for every icon, there must be 3 picture files and one line in the icons.txt. This is an example of the icons.txt for multiple icons:

Fan;Fan;Airflow Producer
Speaker;Speaker;Audio Speaker
Generic;Generic;Generic On/Off switch

Create Icon.Zip file from a website

  • On http://domoticz-icon.aurelien-loyer.fr/
  • Enter the name of the switch.
  • Choose 2 pictures. one for On and one for Off.
  • Check examples (how does Domoticz show them in the default theme)
  • and click generate ZIP (the green button)

Domoticz custom icon generator

Uploading a ZIP containing custom icon(s)

Domoticz > Settings > Custom Icons


Free icons in Domoticz format

A member of the Domoticz community collect all nice icons and upload them to his google drive where you can download icons for free. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B-ZLFoCiqzMRSkFaaWdHV1Qxbm8


Domoticz Icon pack

An Icon pack made by ray-man. source: http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19677

This topic was created when the functionality of uploading custom icons was released.  http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5024
over time people uploaded some nice icons.