Update RFLink Gateway Firmware automatically
This article describes how to you setup update your RFLink Gateway Firmware automatically. It’s important to use the latest firmware on your RFLink. The developers of RFLink adding support for new hardware continues. The list of compatible hardware grows really fast. You can check the changelog at their original website:
But first things first: what is RFLink? It’s a way you can let your home automation software communicate with the sensors, switches and other modules in your home over the 433mhz protocol. You need a gateway for this and RFLink lets you do that. Cool thing is that this project is open source, which means you can peak at the source code and anyone can contribute project. Still a bit puzzled? Check out the website mentioned above before your continue.
Updating firmware for your RFLink gateway can be time-consuming. Normally you go to the website to check if there is a newer version, then download the files and update. This process can be automated of course!
Script to Update RFLink Gateway Firmware
Log in with SSH and fire the commands below to install the prerequisites, download the scripts, and set up a cronjob to schedule the update checker.
sudo apt-get install python2.7 avrdude
cp settings.ini.tpml settings.ini
chmod 755
echo "0 12 * * * root /root/RFLink-update-master/" >> /etc/crontab
The creator of this script and method is Roondar (thank you very much for sharing!)
His source is placed on GitHub:
Check firmware version in Domoticz
Before you setup to update your RFLink Gateway Firmware automatically, you might want to first check the current version you use in Domoticz. To check which version is currently installed on your RFLink go to: Setup>Hardware and you see a version number at the RFLink row like the picture below: