Home appliances
We love to listen to music, and we guess (almost) everyone does! And whether you are a die-hard audio addict or not, you want good equipment to enjoy your favorite songs. So in this section we take a look at audio-related gadgets and share our experience with you. So whether it is a Bluetooth speaker, a pair of headphones, a FM transmitter or a microphone: when we get our hands on it we put it to the test and tell you what we think. Don’t expect to finds things like diagrams with output frequencies. We know that good audio has a large subjective aspect. That is why we trust on our ears and the overall user experience. Lets put our ears to the test! If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair.
There is one thing in life you cannot have enough of*, and that is gadgets! In this section we review the gear you can use and preferably can take with you around the house and while travelling. A gadget should make your life at least a little better, so we test whether it does. Gadgets typically have one or more applications and are often smart. This means they can be connected to your phone or tablet. However, some of the gear can also be a backpack or an electric shaver. Some of the gadgets even have a fixed place in your home. Examples are a smart socket that connects to your phone or a state of the art robot vacuum cleaner. If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair. *Nutella not included.
Home appliances
Everyone has home appliances, but we are only looking for the smartest ones for you smart home. Whether it is a robot vacuum or an electronic fly trap. We review them to show you how they function and what their ups and downs are. After that we determine if and how they enhance your life. We have a weakness for everything that saves us time doing household chores. And if it is smart and integrates into our smart home it is even better. So check out our smart home appliance reviews. If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair.
In this section we review tools to maintain and repair our gadgets and do general DIY repairs. This can be things like phone repairs or replacing a battery. We focus on repair sets that you can store within hand-reach. So you don’t have to get your entire toolbox to replace a single battery. They are also easier to take with you on the road. The tool sets we review are actually used for a longer period. We put the tool sets to the test, try to break them and present our findings to you in a review. We are searching for the ultimate tool set, and we will not stop until we have found it. Because at the end, there can be only one ultimate tool set! If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair.
We are all searching for the light. Some of us are searching for the ideal smart light bulb. Next to that, most of us are looking for a design lightning element that does not break the bank. We all have our own lightning challenges. In this section we review the lights that come on our path. Whether they are smart or not, or just a bulb or LED strip or even a complete lamp. If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair.
In the Life section we articles about health, beauty and automated lifestyle related technology and gadgets. And how they will affect our lives one day or another. We review the products we ordered because we want (or need) to use them. They are actual part of our life. The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors. These do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions from all contributors to the site. We try to be as objective as possible on each topic, but are opinions are based on our own experiences and worldviews. Our team consists of an equal amount of Apple and Android fanboys. If you have any ideas, comments on the review or have a product for us to review, please let us know. But remember: we will be strict but fair.
Home Assistant
Learn how to integrate gadgets into the home automation platform Domoticz with these tutorials. DIY, hacks, and stories to help you automate your home and make it a smart(er)-home. More information on my own setup can be found here. So lets get started. Getting Started Choosing for Domoticz |  Choosing Hardware, Brands and Protocols | Basic installation on Raspberry PI3 Bb Configuring the Basics Security | Dashboards | Naming Conventions | Backups | Themes, Icons and Floorplans | Plugin Manager Advanced Configuration and other cool stuff Database | Monitoring | Build your own Zigbee gateway | Text to Speech | Custom Icons Scripting and Blocky Possibilities Backup to Share | Automate your Sunscreen | Monitor your Washing Machine | GetGarbageDays | Automate Robot Vacuum Most recent tutorials
Home Assistant
Learn how to integrate gadgets into the home automation platform Home Assistant with these tutorials. DIY, hacks, and stories to help you automate your home and make it a smart(er)-home. More information on my own setup can be found here. So lets get started.
In this series of interviews we want to get to know the key-figures behind the technology that makes Domoticz the platform it is today. We discuss subjects like how they got to building the application. But also want to find out what their vision is on the community of Domoticz. Next to that we are curious for how they see the future of the platform and smart-homes in general. This so you get to know who’s behind the technology, learn from them and be inspired by them. If you know someone who should be the next person to be interviewed, please let us know.
Domoticz Compatible Products
Domoticz compatible products contain products/hardware that are compatible with Domoticz. All used and tested with Domoticz. Domoticz handles multiple brands and protocols as you can read here. Of course, this products can also be used with Home-Assistant or other platforms. Check out the protocol that is used before buying. This category lists almost all the products that Domoticz can connect to and are available on GearBest.  If you have devices that works and are available at GearBest. , please notify us so we can expand the list.
Home Assistant Compatible Products
Home Assistant compatible products contain products/hardware that are compatible with Home Assistant smart home software. All used and tested with Home Assistant. Check out the protocol that is used before buying. This category lists almost all the products that Home Assistant can connect to and are available on GearBest.  If you have devices that works and are available at GearBest. , please notify us so we can expand the list.
Coupons & Deals
Best Buy Guides
Robot Vacuums Buying guide
Ten products that will bring your BBQ skills to the next level
Zigbee Buying Guide: Getting Started with Zigbee
Reviewed gadgets
All other products that are used in our reviews
Domoticz Compatible Products
Domoticz compatible products contain products/hardware that are compatible with Domoticz. All used and tested with Domoticz. Domoticz handles multiple brands and protocols as you can read here. Of course, this products can also be used with Home-Assistant or other platforms. Check out the protocol that is used before buying. This category lists almost all the products that Domoticz can connect to and are available on GearBest.  If you have devices that works and are available at GearBest. , please notify us so we can expand the list.
Home Assistant Compatible Products
Home Assistant compatible products contain products/hardware that are compatible with Home Assistant smart home software. All used and tested with Home Assistant. Check out the protocol that is used before buying. This category lists almost all the products that Home Assistant can connect to and are available on GearBest.  If you have devices that works and are available at GearBest. , please notify us so we can expand the list.
Shopping tips
As reviewers we have a fair amount of experience with ordering products online, and especially from the other side of the world. And off source we learned some lessons, that we want to share with you in the form of shopping tips. For example: mind the products power plug. Or know how to track your ordered products. Next to that you have to know that prices depend on warehouse location. Or that buying a multi-pack is not always cheaper than buying two single items. Use these tips to your advantage. If you have any shopping tips yourself, or comments on the articles or other relevant information to share, please let us know.
Robot Vacuums Buying guide
Monday, March 10, 2025
Home appliances
1 blueprint for every switch in zigbee2mqtt 2.0
Use a UniFi G4 Pro Doorbell with FC and fingerprint to fire Webhooks in Home Assistant: A Complete Guide
Upgrade your Smart Home! Migrate from SkyConnect to SMLight SLZB-06M
Exciting New Zigbee Products from SMLIGHT: Stay Tuned for In-Depth Reviews and Articles!
What I use in my Home Assistant
Domoticz 2022.2: Time for an update!
The best Home Assistant Addons and repos of 2024
DIY Zigbee Gateway with zigbee2mqtt
The Ultimate Cat Toy: A Smart Rolling Cat Ball with App
Tuya in Home Assistant: The best of both worlds?
Home Assistant
1 blueprint for every switch in zigbee2mqtt 2.0
Use a UniFi G4 Pro Doorbell with FC and fingerprint to fire Webhooks in Home Assistant: A Complete Guide
Upgrade your Smart Home! Migrate from SkyConnect to SMLight SLZB-06M
What I use in my Home Assistant
Domoticz 2022.2: Time for an update!
The best Home Assistant Addons and repos of 2024
Will 2021 be the best year for Tuya and Home Assistant?
Smart Gateways Watermeter review, the Best Water sensor kit in 2021?
Domoticz 2021.1 is released!
Xiaomi token extractor
Favorite Products
Domoticz Compatible Products
Home Assistant Compatible Products
Reviewed gadgets
Zigbee Router
Buying Guide
Shopping tips
What happened to Gearbest?
Shopping tips
11.11 Biggest China Sales event of 2020: get yourself some great sales!
The best discount coupons and deals
Buying Guide
Robot Vacuums Buying guide
Buying Guide
nr 1 Zigbee Buying Guide: The best one for starting with Zigbee!
Starting with Tuya: The Ultimate Guide!
Buying Guide
The Best Winter Sports Gadgets from China
Shopping tips
11 November: Take your chance on the Singles Day Sale
Ten products that will bring your BBQ skills to the next level
Domoticz Compatible Buy list
Zigbee Buying Guide
Xiaomi Mijia Smart Gateway 3 (ZNDMWG03LM)
Buying Guide
Buying Guide
Robot Vacuums Buying guide
Buying Guide
nr 1 Zigbee Buying Guide: The best one for starting with Zigbee!
Starting with Tuya: The Ultimate Guide!
Buying Guide
The Best Winter Sports Gadgets from China
Ten products that will bring your BBQ skills to the next level
Tag: massage
Massage Gun 4 Head 3 Speed Electric Massager Review
Chef Gadget-Freak
9th August 2020