Friday, February 28, 2025
Home Gadgetz Home Assistant Compatible Products Zigbee Adapters Zigbee Gateway Components Simplelink CC2652 2.4G Zigbee2MQTT stick

Simplelink CC2652 2.4G Zigbee2MQTT stick

  • Affordable
  • Antenna and good chip for great range
  • Zigbee 3.0 compatible
  • Plastic case


The Simplelink CC2652 Zigbee2MQTT is little bit more expensive compared to for example the cc2531 stick, but it has a lot more to offer!

Why switch to the Simplelink CC2652?

When you are just starting with Zigbee2MQTT the CC2652 is a good choice. But when you already own an older Zigbee2MQTT stick there are also some reasons to switch to the Simplelink CC2652:

  • Better range,
  • No debugger cables needed,
  • Supported and recommended chip by the famous zigbee2mqtt project.

So the CC2652 is in a number of areas a big leap forwards. The stick is named after the CC2652 chip which was released by Texas Instruments. Which names it a high performance Zigbee chip. This chip is much faster and contains much more memory than the CC2530/CC2531.

Simplelink in Simplelink CC2652

But why is there Simplelink in Simplelink CC2652? Simplelink is the Wireless Connectivity platform by Texas Instruments offering a wide portfolio of differentiated wired and wireless Arm micro control units featuring Ethernet, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, Sub-1 GHz with Zigbee (ofcourse). This all have all the right tools and architecture and to support developers to build quickly and seamlessly connected products. More on the Simplelink solution can be found here.


USB CC2652R1 multiprotocol 2.4GHz dongle

Usable as Zigbee coordinator/router or as an Openthread router

The perfect zigbee gateway for: Zigbee2MQTT.

On board functions:

3xLED (Red– 3.3V/Green-DIO7/Blue-DIO6)
3xButton (BTN1–DIO13/BTN2–DIO14/RST-nRESET)

Compatible with LAUNCH-XL CC2652R1
DIO breakout with 2.0mm pitch hole
Integrated CH340E


5.5cm * 2.3cm * 1.3cm
With plastic case!





<a href=”″ target=”_blank”><img src=”” /></a>

CC2652 Simplelink 2.4G Zigbee2MQTT stick
  • Design
  • Quality
  • Usability
  • Home-Automation compatibility
  • Price


Get rid of your Hue, Xiaomi, Ikea, tuya or other Zigbee bridge or gateway. The Simplelink CC2652 is a good piece of hardware to manage all your Zigbee devices at home. One stick to rule them all! And especially when you already have a smart home system, like Home Assistant.
And when you are a bit tech savvy is it rather simple: Buy a zigbee2mqtt gateway stick, install it in your Home Assistant gateway and you are ready to go. The Simplelink CC2652 is a bit more convenient with a better range and no need for debugging cables. And best of all: it has good support and is even recommended by the Zigbee2MQTT community.


  • Affordable
  • Antenna and good chip for great range
  • Zigbee 3.0 compatible
  • Comes with plastic protective case


  • You have to be a bit tech savvy (but you obviously are when you have Home Assistant up and running).

Additional information

