Almost everyone around me is switching to a Zigbee network now because of the price and
But some people have their doubts and question the range or the maximum devices paired to one router. Therefore we wrote this post. Some tips to improve the range and strength of your Zigbee network. And still it cost you almost nothing! So read learn, try and have fun!!
A zigbee network
Zigbee acts as a mesh network. And below you see how a typical Zigbee mesh network looks like.
There is always a single coordinator. If you pair some devices to it, you get a simple Star network. But when you have more end devices paired over a longer range, some devices will act as a router. That means that a signal for end-devices hops through this router to the coordinator. Or a signal can even use more than one router to communicate with the coordinator. The more routers, the stronger the total network will become. Just like over the internet, an end device will always choose the best path to the coordinator.
You always need at least one coordinator. It has router capabilities and is the start of your Z
End devices in a Zigbee network
Your switches sensors and devices, simple 🙂 Devices have one parent, and all communication is going through that parent. A parent can be a router or coordinator.
A coordinator with the zigbee2mqtt supports 15 devices directly. BUT with extra routers this can be extended easily. When using the default coordinator firmware + 2 CC2531 routers your device limit will be:
- Coordinator: 15 – 2 routers = 13
- Router 1: 21
- Router 2: 21
- Device limit of 55 devices
The more routers (and remember that AC powered end-devices are acting also as routers) the better your network will be!
Use latest firmware
Always be up to date! Not only the software. The plugin/add-on but also the software on Zigbee transceiver, this called firmware.
Check our other article: How you can update your firmware. and use the latest firmware from:
Zigbee2mqtt will output the installed firmware version to the zigbee2mqtt log on startup.
Extend the range of the cc2531
The range of the CC2531 (but also for other USB transceivers like rfxcom, zwave stick etc) can greatly be improved when connecting it with an USB extension cable instead of directly plugging it into your Raspberry Pi or computer.
When plugged directly in the computer, the CC2531 antenna suffers from interference of radio signals and electrical components of the computer. Also be sure not to position the CC2531 too close to any other radio transmitting devices (e.g. Wifi router). A USB extension cable of 50 cm is already enough to reduce the interference.
USB 3.0 Extender€1,36
Create extra Zigbee routers
Improve the strenght of your Zigbee network by adding extra routers.
This can be end-devices like smart socket switches like those from Ikea for example. It can only act as a router when its connected through AC power.
How to create a dedicated CC2530 router?
Three cheap and simple little steps to achief a better range and stable Zigbee network.
- Buy the right products (the links below go to the cheapest and reliable shops of AliExpress)
- Flash the Zigbee firmware
- And plug it in a charger / AC 220 socket.
What do you need to create a Zigbee router?
You can create a router from a cc2531 in a
Flash the zigbee2mqtt firmware!
In our other zigbee2mqtt article we tell you how! Remember to flash the correct and latest firmware.
When Using a cc2531 you can use the default cable. but with an cc2530 you need the dupont wires. Check the pictures below for the diagrams to wire them correct.
CC debugger | CC2530 |
1 | GND |
2 | VCC |
3 | P2.2 |
4 | P2.1 |
7 | RST |
9 | VCC |
Put it in a box
When you bought the items above you can create this in a few minutes!

How to create a zigbee network graphic for Home Assistant?
A picture can tell us more then thousands words 🙂 So create a picture of your zigbee network.
User robin made a very nice component to display you zigbee network by image:

Important: you have to clear the browser cache after each update
- Download or clone 42
- Copy “custom_components/” to your “custom_components” folder.
- Copy the folder “www/zigbee2mqtt_networkmap” and content to your “www” folder.
- Add the following to your configuration.yaml. It is possible to update the map directly via button. If you want to use this functionality you also have to activate the webhook component
You can set the graphviz engine via URL Parameter:1webhook: zigbee2mqtt_networkmap: panel_iframe: networkmap: title: 'Zigbee Map' url: '/local/zigbee2mqtt_networkmap/map.html' icon: 'mdi:graphql'
map.html?engine=circo (Default: dot, Supported Engines 7) - Restart Homeassistant
- Call the service “zigbee2mqtt_networkmap.update”
- Test if everything is working
We thank robin for his work. more info at his topic:
Other articles about zigbee
Zigbee network
Check our shop page for a collection of zigbee products that are compatible with zigbee2mqtt, domoticz and home assistant.