gocomma Cabinet Hinge LED Sensor Light for Kitchen Modern Closet review



gocomma Cabinet Hinge LED Sensor Light for Kitchen

Modern Closet review

gocommo cabinet hinge led light single unit


Once in a while you are browsing the internet you stumble upon a product of which you didn’t actually knew you needed it but it has the potential to enhance the quality of your life. The gocomma Cabinet Hinge LED Sensor Light for Kitchen Modern Closet is one of these products. The battery powered lights can be easily attached to cabinet hinges so you have lights in your cabinets. For a short impression, have look at our one minute review.


Where to buy

I bought the product at Gearbest. I ordered them in a set of five, but you can buy smaller or bigger sets (1,2,4,6). The price at the moment of publishing of this article is €5,85 for a set of five and €1,47 each.


The specs of the gocomma Cabinet Hinge LED Sensor Light for Kitchen Modern Closet as stated on Gearbest:

  • Brand: Gocomma
  • Type: Decorative Lighting
  • Decorative Style: Simple and Modern
  • For: Clothing Store,Home,Hotel,Office
  • Material: ABS
  • Features: Smart and power-saving
  • Power Supply: Battery
  • Product weight: 0.0110 kg
  • Package weight: 0.1250 kg
  • Product size (L x W x H): 6.70 x 4.00 x 2.50 cm / 2.64 x 1.57 x 0.98 inches
  • Package size (L x W x H): 10.00 x 6.00 x 6.00 cm / 3.94 x 2.36 x 2.36 inches
  • Package Contents: 5 x Cabinet Hinge LED Light

As main features are stated on Gearbest:

  • Automatic on/off hinge LED light: when you open your cabinet, the bright white light will light up, you needn’t take a flashlight when you find something in the cabinet. When closing the cabinet, the light turns off.
  • Can be used in the home, kitchen, office or hotel, perfect for a cabinet, closet, cupboard or wardrobe with a hinge.
  • Easy to install and convenient to use
  • No power cord, with wireless battery and 3 LEDs, brighter than an ordinary light bulb
  • Powered by 5 x Pb-Hg AAA battery ( 23A / 12V ), long lasting for 12 months, more energy saving, no more expensive electric bills to pay for.


gocomma is a brand that ships through Gearbest where is stated that they mainly focus on mobile accessories.  With a bit of creativity, the cabinet hinge LED sensor lights fit into this definition, but they also sell products varying from power plugs and adapters to hammocks and rain shower heads.

The price is very low, with a current price of about €1,50 per product. It’s even more absurd when you consider the included 23A / 12V battery alone retails for more than this price.

So I don’t have very high expectations, but I hope it does what it does as claimed, the build quality is acceptable and that it can be easily attached to the cabinet hinges.



The product was shipped to us in a parcel box that also included different products, so the outer packing is not representative for when you only order the cabinet hinge LED sensor lights. The set of five was shipped in a ziplock plastic bag, and the parts of each product were located in a smaller ziplock bag.

wrapper with 5 gocomma led hinge lights

Does it fit your mailbox?

Not entirely sure, but it probably will fit your mailbox when ordered separately from other products.
The bigger ziplock back will probably be put in an envelope and this will definitely fit in your mailbox.


What’s in the box

On Gearbest is stated the following: Package Contents: 5 x Cabinet Hinge LED Light.

One of the Cabinet Hinge LED Light consists of the following parts:

  • Cabinet Hinge LED Light unit.
  • Plastic backplate/pedestal.
  • A Pb-Hg AAA battery (23A/12V).
  • A screw to mount the LED light unit on the hinge.

content of a single pack of gocomma hinge led light


Installing the LED hinge light can really be a b*tch. On Gearbest, it looks like installing is very simple:

“1. Dismantle the screw of a hinge
2. Fix the pedestal of LED light on the hinge with the screw
3. Assemble the battery
4. Install the LED light onto its pedestal
5. Close the hinge to test the light”

The problem starts with step one, dismantling the screw of the hinge. Especially when the cabinet has only two hinges, the screw that needs to be removed from the hinges is used to fine-tune the placement of the cabinet door. So when choose you install the LED hinge light pedestal you need to take into account that you may need to perform the fine-tuning of the cabinet door again. That’s why I switched from installing them on my kitchen doors to installing them on my wardrobe cabinet. This cabinet has three hinges per door and I installed them on the middle hinge. In this way, the other hinges retained the placement of the door.

installed gocomma led hinge light

When installed, the Hinge LED Light does its job pretty well. The LED gives a bright white light. The pressure switch is tuned in such a way that you don’t need to fine-tune its placement on the hinge, but it switches on when the door is less than a quarter way open.

When comparing the actual features with the stated features some of them are true and some of them are not really applicable. So is stating that the Hinge LED light is smart a bit of an overstatement, it’s simply a lamp with an on-off switch. Also calling a mechanical pressure switch a sensor is evidence that the gocomma marketing department took their job a bit too serious.


Build Quality

The build quality is good, especially when taking into account the price. Most of the material used is hard plastic and it is robust enough for installing and use. When pressing the switch you see the wire from the switch moving in the housing, which does not give a solid impression. But I think this can function for years without giving any issues.

gocommo hinge led light unit inside

Portability / Mobility

As long as you leave the hinge LED switch after installing it, you will be fine. Changing the battery is very easy, you remove the unit from its pedestal, replace the battery and put the unit back in place.

Pro / cons


  • Product does its job well.
  • Price
  • Bright LED light
  • Battery included (with more than acceptable battery life)


  • Installing it on a cabinet with only two hinges may require on to re-adjust the whole cabinet door.
  • It’s not as smart as gocomma’s marketing department thinks it is.
  • The type of battery (Pb-Hg AAA 23A / 12V ) is a bit uncommon

Price quality

Very good: you get a good product, at a very low price and even a battery is included.



If you just spent the time reading this review as a way to determine whether you should buy the gocomma Cabinet Hinge LED Sensor Light for Kitchen Modern Closet, you should just have ordered it. Seriously, you will not regret it, especially for this price. The only disadvantage is that installing it on a cabinet with a two hinge door is less easy then the manufacturer stated because you need to need to re-adjust the door after you unscrew the hinge. For cabinets with doors with more than two hinges (like wardrobe cabinets) this really it, not an issue.

  • Design
  • Quality
  • Usability
  • Price
  • Overall