This script is for Dutch users, that must place their containers on the street. But maybe it comes in hand as a nice example for others.
I often forget to check the calendar so I was happy that my local garbage collector (HVC) has made an app. An app that sends you a notification the day before. But the app doesn’t send always an app. So I searched for an alternative and found: Afval Nederland. dzVents getGarbageDates script Is now my alternative for the apps.
dzVents getGarbageDates script
It works very nice and has info for lots of collectors. But because of my love for Domoticz I want everything stored locally in my Domoticz overview. I asked the creator of the app for info and Waaren (from the Domoticz forum) made this fantastic DzVentz script for me.
Domoticz would show two devices: a text device that shows the next pickup dates, and an alert device that would inform you:
How to Setup?
It’s really simple:
Start your browser and go to–housenumber
replace the red things with your info. for the url you can use the url of your collector:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Cyclus NV: HVC: Dar: Afvalvrij / Circulus-Berkel: Meerlanden: Cure: Avalex: RMN: Venray: Den Haag: Berkelland: Alphen aan den Rijn: https://afvalkalender.alphenaandenrijn.nlrest/adressen/0505200000061116/afvalstromen Waalre: ZRD: Spaarnelanden: Montfoort: GAD: Cranendonck: |
The output you get looks like this:
1 | [{"bagId":"0505200000092263","postcode":"3328LN","huisnummer":35,"huisletter":"","huisnummerToevoeging":"","openbareRuimteNaam":"Moestuin","woonplaatsNaam":"Dordrecht","latitude":51.7701971,"longitude":4.6597255,"woonplaatsId":2351,"gemeenteId":505}] |
Write down your bagId number! that is the unique key of your address.
Then start domoticz and go to: settings > events
create a new script: give it a name like getGarbageDates, choose dzVents and choose for: device.
Paste the script below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 | --[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ] This script is only useful in those areas of the Netherlands where the HVC group collects household garbage Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++ Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device. the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first Ga naar de volgende url in de browser, waarbij je de juiste url voor jouw afvalverwerker kiest, en postcode en huisnummer wijzigd. de output die je krijgt te zien bevat een bagID wat je later nodig hebt. Dit bagId wordt gebruikt in de volgende URLs: Ophaaldagen: <<replace BagID De ophaaldagen gebruiken ID's om aan te geven welk afvaltype het betreft. Informatie over deze afvaltypes kan opgehaald worden via: <<replace BagID ]]-- return { on = { timer = { "at 00:05","at 08:00" }, -- daily run twice -- { timer = {'every 1 minutes'}, httpResponses = { "getGarbage_Response" } -- Trigger the handle Json part }, logging = { level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Remove the "-- at the beginning of this and next line for debugging the script marker = "collectGarbage" }, data = { garbage = {initial = {} }, -- Keep a copy of last json just in case }, execute = function(dz, triggerObject) --++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line -------------------------------------- local myTextDevice = "Garbage" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device local myBagId = "0505200000092263" local myYear ="%Y") -- it can happen that other examples then HVC uses other numbers, change them at line garbageTypes = {6,5,3,2} --++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line -------------------------------------------- local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow) local getGarbage_url = "" ..myBagId .. "/kalender/" .. myYear dz.openURL ({ url = getGarbage_url , method = "GET", callback = "getGarbage_Response" }).afterSec(secondsFromNow) end -- Add entry to log and notify to all subsystems local function errorMessage(message) dz.log(message,dz.LOG_ERROR) dz.notify(message) end local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date) -- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)" local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern) local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday}) return convertedTimestamp end local function string2Date(str,fmt) -- convert string from json into datevalue if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str)) end local function alertLevel(delta) if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN end local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate) local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d")) -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date dz.devices(alertDevice).updateAlertSensor(alertLevel(delta),alertText) return (delta == 0) end local function longGarbageName(str) -- Use descriptive strings str = tostring(str) str = str:gsub("6"," Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ") str = str:gsub("5"," Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval ") str = str:gsub("3"," Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen ") str = str:gsub("2"," Restafval ") return str end local function handleResponse() if #triggerObject.json > 0 then = triggerObject.json rt = triggerObject.json else errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (no data) using data from earlier run") rt = -- json empty. Get last valid from if #rt < 1 then -- No valid data in either errorMessage("No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in HVC group area ?") return false end end local garbageLines = "" local typeEarliestDate local overallEarliestDate = "2999-12-31" -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then local garbageToday = false local today ="%Y-%m-%d") for i = 1,#garbageTypes do --walk the the type Table typeEarliestDate = "2999-12-31" for j = 1,#rt do -- walk the result Table -- walk the response table if rt[j].ophaaldatum >= today and rt[j].ophaaldatum < typeEarliestDate and rt[j].afvalstroom_id == garbageTypes[i] then -- Keep date closest to today per type typeEarliestDate = rt[j].ophaaldatum if typeEarliestDate < overallEarliestDate then -- date closest to today overall ? overallEarliestDate = typeEarliestDate -- keep date overallEarliestType = garbageTypes[i] -- keep type end garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b" ) .. longGarbageName(rt[j].afvalstroom_id) .. " " .. "\n" typeEarliestDate = rt[j].ophaaldatum -- Keep date closest to today end end end if myAlertDevice then -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice( myAlertDevice, longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "\n" .. string2Date(overallEarliestDate), overallEarliestDate) end if myTextDevice then -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types dz.devices(myTextDevice).updateText(garbageLines) end if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "will be collected today") end end -- Main if triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then if triggerObject.ok then handleResponse() else errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)") collectGarbageDates(600) -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes end else collectGarbageDates(1) end end } |
Addjust your settings in this script: BagId, and collector url. (I only have tested HVC)
You must create 2 virtual devices:
TextDevice with the name: Garbage
AlertDevice with the name GarbageAlert”
You can name them as you like but also have to change the names in the script then.
The script runs daily run twice. But for setting up and testing it’s handy to adjust it. above the script you find:
= { timer = { “at 00:05″,”at 08:00” }, — daily run twice
— { timer = {‘every 1 minutes’},
Delete the 2 minuses — and place them on the row above. it makes comments from the things after the –. so that your script runs every minute.
Save your script, and watch the logs!
When all is done don’t forget to switch the — again, so it runs twice a day, what would be enough.
Thanks Afval Nederland and Waaren!!!
Please if you have another working URL or feedback to improve let us know!