Backup Domoticz database and files. Pay attention!

Domoticz tutorial


Backup, please!

Most of the people start using backups when it’s too late. Domoticz has some built-in options, use them! You don’t want to lose your carefully constructed dashboards, the historical data of your water and power meters, lose that advanced smart scripts you spend ages on to get it to work, or pair every device in your home again. Take our advice: Backup Domoticz!

Automatic backups

When the Automatic Back-up feature is ticked the system will create a back-up every hour in the Domoticz/backups/hourly/ folder, a daily back-up in the Domoticz/backups/daily/ folder and a monthly back-up in the Domoticz/backups/monthly/ folder. In that way, there will always be a recent copy of the Domoticz database available. To manually create or restore a backup of the database go to Setup > Settings > Backup/restore.

Besides the database, you can use third-party stuff like Dashticz or bash scripts. Be aware that they are outside Domoticz therefore not in the database back-up.

So back up those things by yourself:

  • use text files with your installation procedure(for other things or scripts)
  • And Save the back-ups on another place then your Domoticz system.

Backup Domoticz scripts

Check this tutorial for an advanced backup script that will backup more than only a database and transfers it to a separate device.